
A lightweight website built to store my favorite recipes.


Follow the instructions below:

1. boil water

Or start by clicking on Use this template on github.com/nberlette/content-wind.


Create your Markdown pages in the content/ directory:


Use any icon from icones.js.org with the <Icon> component:

<Icon name="ph:music-notes-fill" />

You can also use it in your Markdown:


Will result in

Learn more in the Content Code Highlight section.

Vue Components

Add Vue components into the components/content/ directory and start using them in Markdown.

See the <Alert> component in components/content/Alert.vue.

By leveraging the <Markdown> component from Nuxt Content, you can use both slots and props in Markdown thanks to the MDC syntax.

::alert{icon="ph:circle-wavy-warning-duotone"}#titleThis is an alert#defaultThis is the default content of my alert!::

Will result in:

This is an alert

This is the default content of my alert!

If you want to go deeper, take a look at the <List> component to see some useUnwrap() magic 🪄

You are at the end of the page, you can checkout the about page, features page, or the GitHub repository and give a